Well I’ve gone and done it again. Yup, poison ivy wins the round again this year. Last time I know exactly when I got it and that was because I was cleaning out old vegetation from the bush near the house. This time I have no idea. It had to have been when I mowed the lawn down near the beach but I sure don’t remember seeing any of the stuff down there.
At any rate, there is no cure for the rash and itch other than time but I’ve found that the Watkins Red Clover salve or Burn Cream seem to work the best at keeping the stuff from driving you crazy. It’s funny though because up until last year poison ivy never bothered me but I understand from doing a little research that it only takes one exposure too many to put you “over the top” and start the reactions. I was also reading up where after you get it once it comes back more and more easily all the time because if it gets into your system it’s there forever just waiting to rear up again at the least little provocation. Guess I’ll just have to spend the summers sitting on the deck instead of doing yard work. Hey… maybe there IS a good side to having poison ivy around the house. Heh, heh, heh…
(Photo courtesy of a “Creative Commons” license from the melissambwilkins' photostream on Flickr.)
5 days ago