5 days ago
As “Canada’s 12th Wonder” Manitoulin Island holds a number of Canadian and world distinctions that we encourage you to explore when you visit our area. This blog is a collection of personal ramblings, comments and observations gathered first while traveling around the country for The North West Company and now during my retirement years on Manitoulin Island as an Independent Associate with Watkins. Feel free to comment, I thank you for stopping by and hope to hear from you soon!
Last summer, one of the guys in the neighbourhood was cutting firewood for his customers and when he brought home the wood, he found three baby pileated woodpeckers in one of the logs. He had no idea where the mother bird was and didn't know what to do with the babies. I have no idea why, but he brought the baby birds to me!!! I called a whole bunch of places that would be able to help me care for orphaned wildlife, but to no avail. The baby birds needed special indects and grubs that are found beneath the bark of the tree. Plus, they needed the nutrients from the parent bird (when they regurgitate the food). I gave them to someone else (who knew what to do with the birds), but the babies ended up dying.
Anyway, long story aside, I have never seen an adult pileated woodpecker in real life! How cool that you saw one!
ooops! That would be "insects" and not "indects" :)
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