It’s only the past few years then there has been much offered in the way of cash to winners of the major bonspiels, and unless you’re talking about the really big ones then it’s probably not enough to cover team expenses for attending the event.
Curling teams have to pay all transportation costs, hotels, meals, entry fees, uniforms and everything else from their own pockets. They most likely will not make any profit on the deal and it’s only the really top players that even come close to breaking even on a year.
Then on the other hand you have the “professional” hockey, football and baseball players. I don't think any of these people would even consider suiting up for a game unless they were getting paid millions of dollars a year... win or lose of course. On top of that they demand that all expenses are paid for them plus a huge bonus if they meet certain goals for the year. Now I ask you, is anyone worth that kind of money? To run around playing a game that has absolutely no importance, no meaning and does absolutely nothing to improve the quality of the world is nothing but a complete and total waste of time, energy and money that could be better spent on more noble endeavors.
While I can understand (and actually enjoy) baseball and rugby, sports like hockey and basketball have got to be two of the most boring activities known to man, surpassed for sleep factor only by soccer and cricket. The biggest waste of money of them all in my opinion would be the Olympics and I seriously resent having one single penny of my tax dollars going to support this extravaganza. I wonder what good could be done in Canada if the billions that are being spent on Vancouver 2010 were channeled towards apparently silly things like housing or fresh water, alternative forms of energy or even maintaining our roads.
I don't know... some people figure I have too many opinions and I guess maybe my priorities are different than a lot of other people.
Sometimes I myself even think that I am too negative in my thoughts and I promise to work on that, but I DO like a good argument... any takers on this one?
5 days ago
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