It's great to see the unselfishness and charitable side of the people of Toronto. I've never been impressed by the city or much of its population but the fact that 24,000 have said "I don't want my job any more" and have willingly walked away is just fantastic. These wonderful people with great salaries and all kinds of benefits have decided it's not enough and have walked away from their positions even though their employers would like them to stay and are very willing and eager to keep on handing them a regular paycheque. This sound like a voluntary resignation to me.
So... hats off to these citizens and any others out there who are nice enough to vacate their positions to make room for someone else. I can guarantee that there are hundreds of people in Canada that would love to fill your abandoned spot, and thousands of individuals around the world that would jump at the chance to move here. Thank you for considering others, and as I’m crawling over rotting, plague infested garbage on the street corners it would be great to have your address so I could stop by and thank you in person.
5 days ago
I went to Toronto for spring break (as an American it is not a normal spring break destination, but it is much closer for my friends and I than Florida). I had a good time. I am glad I went when I did. The city did not seem that dirty. I am not able to compare it to New York City since I have never been there.
I wonder how this strike will work out. I would like to return soon and see more of the city.
As of right now of course my comments about the garbage on the street corners are exaggerated. If the strike goes on for more than a few days though what will it be like? Yes, Toronto is a very clean city compared to some but I’ve been there in the heat of the summer and it could get quite nasty if things start to pile up.
I’m just fed up with all the people who can’t be grateful that they have a job while so many thousands are being laid off and are having serious problems providing for their families. I get carried away sometimes but hey, if you’re working with the economy the way it is shouldn’t you just be happy with what you have? There are thousands of auto workers in the Toronto area who would jump at the chance for any job right now.
I was in New York once many years ago and it seemed OK and about the same as Montreal for cleanliness to me. It would be nice to go back someday and look around some more.
Gah! If the strike lasts long and the temperature is in the 30s...I'd be thanking my lucky stars that I don't have to be in the city for that. Gah!
Yup, a few more days and my comment about the plague might come true. Did you notice though how the LCBO strike was over before it started? Different priorities I guess. (Yes, I went and stocked up as well as many others, just in case!)
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