Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'm confused, again...

I have very few people that I follow on YouTube but one of them is Donald Trump. I really enjoy his books and even used to watch “The Apprentice” and probably still would if it wasn’t so-called celebrities now instead of somewhat normal people.

Anyway, he was complaining because China has just put something like a 22% tariff on cars made in the USA and he feels this is wrong. I don’t agree with it either but isn’t this pretty much the same thing that the US is doing with its “Buy American” policy? Aren’t we all just trying to discourage or block people from buying products from another country? Free trade my butt….

Don’t get me wrong… I agree that you should support your own Community-Area-Province-Country first, but at some price point or other we all say forget it. I try to support Manitoulin first but primarily I just go by what it’s going to cost me… but some people really take this stuff seriously. I personally feel that the reason that so many of our products come from other countries is because of the power that unions have here. Without them our costs would be dramatically lower than they are now and we would ALL be able to “Buy Canadian” only instead of importing the cheap, lead filled, toxic and uncontrolled products from other parts of the world. It’s great to “Buy Local” but compare the costs and it changes everything.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This Ain't 1969

I suppose every generation needs their Woodstock but…

Woodstock was an event that was highly organized and the people who attended had received full permission of the owner of the property to congregate, celebrate and generally have a good time.

These days it seems it’s OK to just squat wherever you like and be damned with everyone else. City parks are established and maintained for the enjoyment of the citizens who (if you want argue the point) are now being deprived of their rights by a small group of anarchists who are looking to inconvenience as many people as possible in order to attract attention to themselves.

Has the banking system gotten out of hand? Yes, of course it has. Being able to give out multiple loans on money they don’t have just puts everything into a spiral that goes only one way… down. Add to that the compound interest on the interest on the interest on the interest and so on that has to be paid in larger and larger amounts has only one end… world wide financial disaster… and it’s coming. We will all be caught up in it. There will be no safe haven for our nest eggs and inflation will destroy the value of our cash no matter if we have it in our mattress or local bank vault.

Anyway, I believe the problem with recent public events is that the authorities have allowed it to get out of hand from day one. Yes, people have the right to lawful assembly but I’ve yet to see a public park that didn’t have signs posted stating “No Overnight Camping” or something to the effect. These people are nothing but squatters and should have been treated as such from the get go.

Sigh… I guess you know where I stand on all this and by the way… I assume these people have all chipped in to rent “Go-Huts” right?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bebamikawe Memorial Trail

I’ve spent some time recently checking out the new Bebamikawe Memorial Trails in Wikwemikong. The first excursion was on the longer 4.4km “Red” trail and it made for great outing. It’s a bit slippery and steep in places but the view from the top made it worthwhile.

The shorter 1.35km “Blue” trail is more my style as it is level and better marked. It meanders down to the lake and back and has various forms of exercise equipment along the route. I found the walking enough of a workout for me however and I’ll leave the fancy stuff to the younger and hardier.

My home is near the trails so we’ll watch for you headed past on the way to the trailhead. Let me know what you think of the set-up.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I can't wait!!!!

Posted by Watkins Independent Associate ID#369469...

... and did you know that Watkins is the ONLY direct selling company that offers NPA approved products?

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Better Butters!

Watkins Independent Associate ID#369469 can't decide...

...They're both great!

Monday, October 03, 2011

Watkins Independent Associate ID#369469 says "Ask me about our…"

Peanut Butter,
Root Beer,
and Vanilla Nut Extracts

Now in 8oz/236ml sizes!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Hey folks...

Check out the new look and LINK...

Sunday, April 03, 2011

These Are Going to be Great!

(Watkins Independent Associate ID#369469)

New this month...

Watkins Coconut Milk & Honey Hand and Body Lotion. AND...

Sugar & Shea Body Scrub. To top it off if you buy the Body Scrub you get the Body Lotion at half price!

How many can I order for you?

Monday, February 14, 2011

I try to shop locally but...

I’ve noticed this before but never understood the differences beween and pricing.

I’m in the middle of a course right now and having a paper copy of the Napoleon Hill book “Law of Success” would be a big help. I’ve got the online version and the audio downloads, but I just find that I absorb a lot more from the solid "hold in your hand copy" than by reading pixels on a screen.

This is a good example of what I’m talking about…

See what I mean? The US new copy is $24.95 and the used is $12.04 while the Canadian copy is $79.88 for new and $67.79 for used. I’m all for supporting our great Canadian market but why should I be penalized over $50.00 for doing so?