Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I know, it's just a Pigeon...

... but it's the biggest darned Pigeon I've ever seen, much larger than any you see in the cities. I mean, this guy is the size of a large chicken and just huge compared to the Mourning Doves that hang around the house. It's also the first time one has ever shown up at our feeder and you'll notice that he has an orange band on one leg and a yellow band on the other. Wonder where he blew if off course from?


Unknown said...

The Island tends to get many, many pigeons who have gone off their course and they end up stranded here. Some come from places like North Bay, while others come all the way from down "south".

Often times, they are in races and get separated from the rest of the bunch. My Dad is a pigeon racer. You can find the owner or the Pigeon Association from the band number. A lot of effort though :)

Murray said...

So is your Dad missing any pigeons? This one is still hanging around and not very afraid of anything.

Unknown said...

Nope. He isn't missing any.

The racing pigeons are quite different from the typical "barn" (aka: nuissance) pigeons. They're still a bit of a pain if they end up sticking around! You don't want a pet pigeon? ;) Tee hee!